Sunday, July 27, 2008


Haiku (after Nietzsche)

I gazed long into
deep water, then deep water
gazed back into me


Anonymous said...

..the lines are really beautiful ..many thanks[ps>please correct ur link at osi]

Raven said...

This is wonderful and very zen.

I wanted to let you know that your link at Mr. Linky wouldn't work for me and I couldn't get to you by clicking on your name from your commet at my post either. I finally tried googling you and that's how I got here. Another cyber mystery.

This is a lovely haiku and photo.

Deborah Godin said...

Thank you for your comments, and also for making me aware of the goof (typo) in my URL! I just went back Mr. Linky and re-entered my name.

Sian said...

This is just perfect. Really it is.

Cátia said...

perfect!really wonderful

Anonymous said...

I agree with Raven. Your poem is "very Zen", and speaks to me. Very beautiful poem and picture!

Edward S Gault said...

Not only poetic, but phiosophical.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Our faces are found everywhere. I have always been fascinated with water as a mirror. Nicely done.

me ann my camera said...

Still waters run deep and are often unfathomable. Lovely.

gautami tripathy said...

This is good...

weed it out

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks, Deborah! I sure do like that. Thank God for deep water.

spacedlaw said...

This brought a smile to my face.

Quiet Paths said...

I would agree that this is about as complete as it can be. I love the simplicity and the depth, which seem to be: Two faces of the same poem....

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes...the words and photo are lovely!

Anonymous said...

Finally got this to open, using the link on the reply mail. Now I see the other one is fixed!

I am to the age when my reflection looks better a little bit rippled. Good poem.

Anonymous said...

thanks, Karen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great response to the prompt. It sent me off to my record collection to listen to Joe Walsh - "The Confessor".

Kathie Brown said...

Deep thoughts in that deep water. I participate in OSI also. Well done and Welcome!

Anonymous said...

The photo expresses you haiku just wonderfully!