Plenty of cities, states/provinces, and regions have taken a lot of ribbing over the years about a variety of dubious accomplishments. While some are unquestionably founded in statistics, like high pollution or high crimes rates, others, like shady moral character or even shadier IQ, are not well-founded at all, but stand-up comedians persist for the easy laughs. Through all the trials and tribulations of other locations, the Canadian province of British Columbia has managed to dodge the cheap shots. Until now. Beautiful B.C. has long been affectionately referred to by Canadians as “Lotus Land” because of its mild laid-back climate (social as well as meteorological) and its liberal attitude to pot smoking. But recently (or finally, as some jealous provinces may prefer) B.C. is gaining a rep for something a little more unsavory (not to mention weird, creepy etc). In case you haven’t already heard about it (but it has made CNN!) severed feet have been washing up on the shores of our fair western province. It’s true. The most recent appeared just a week or so ago. That means that over the past 15 months, a total of six severed feet, each complete with its own running shoe, have been found at various locations along south B.C. coast. A seventh was determined to be a hoax. Well, not to be too flip about an obvious tragic occurrence for at least five real people, that was a hoax just waiting to be perpetrated.
So far, forensics and DNA testing have confirmed that two of the feet are from the same male (found months apart) and all the feet appear to have been "naturally disarticulated," which is CSI-speak for "no implements used." Beyond that, the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) haven’t said much more, frankly because they’re, well, stumped (sorry I couldn’t resist that one). I recall many years ago reading a humorous haiku about it always being one lone shoe we see lying to the side of city freeways and dirt roadsides, the world over. The same obviously must apply to washed up feet. And poor British Columbia is becoming the butt of foot jokes (fortunately, I will restrain myself from another bad pun here) on late night TV. And all joking aside, I do hope this mystery is solved, and no more feet find their way to B.C.’s (or any other) shore.
Photo: I took this photo of a child’s shoe at my local beach. I’ve since discovered that many people are fascinated, or more like obsessed with, the subject. There are websites and flicker galleries devoted to the existential phenom of the Single Shoes in the Road. If, in reading this post, you find yourself strangely drawn to it as well, you have a whole world opening up in front of you.
That's interesting, I have read about it, but there have also been some of those that have washed up on Washington's coast as well. Weird!
This is really strange. I had not heard of it. You must let us know if they ever discover what it's all about.
well, it is interesting but not fascinating enough to go looking for more info on it. a mystery for now. glad you didn't show any gruesome photos. thanks-
Yeah, I've read about that. It's rather weird. Are there really that many missing people out there who haven't left behind any DNA that can be matched up with these feet? I mean, come on, the former owners of these feet must be dead and should have been reported missing by someone. You don't all of a sudden look down and say, "Oh look, my foot is missing. I wonder when that happened. I should call up the police and see if the one they found is mine." Do you?
Can't these people's loved ones find the missing people's hairbrushes so the hair and its DNA can be turned over to the police? Or don't the missing people have any close relatives to whom a DNA match can be made?
Well.... I'll be. Life is weird. As the Lolcatz say: This makes good barfs.
About 5 years ago, down here in southwest Florida, a boating party of 2 went into the gulf for an overnight fishing trip and never returned. Their boat and bodies, one of which if I remember correctly had severed feet, was found washed ashore at Cape Canaveral, all the way on the other side of the peninsula. I don't know all the details, but their boat obviously stalled and floated to where it did on the gulf stream current. I never heard the reason behind he severed feet, but it sounds similar to the situation you describe ...
It's wierd alright...urp, gag.
It's bordering on gruesome.
And it's incredibly sad. There is heartbreak associated with this somewhere. Joel is spot on. Isn't there someone out there that's missing a loved one that could provide an answer to who these people might be, and perhaps at least where the stories of what happened to them began?
feet washing up ashore sounds gross
I agree with all... Really Weird
Nasty. I suppose folks lost overboard aren't always reported especially if they are illegal immigrants.
May they be resting in Light now.
Did the article indicate the feet came off the bodies naturally? Very strange- I'm one that will be checking out the lost shoe in the road websites!
Gulf Islands rental is very nice place for holiday vacation and many more..
Mysterious and worrisome too!
Technology has advanced and tracing the missing people should be possible.
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