Monday, November 3, 2008


Here in Canada's Deep South, we've had a few mornings lately when I've seen frost on the neighbor's shingles. The container plants I have on the back patio are dead, but this one that hangs in the front, tucked in close to the house, is still going. It's gotten a bit nipped by the frost, though, and it's leaves are turning a dusky purple. It used to be a bright gemstone green all over, but I think it looks just as pretty now. I thought I'd saved the plastic stake that came stuck in the pot with it, so I'd know what it was, but I can't find it. I'd like to get more next year; it did really well in its shady location. The flowers look sort of like a cross between a violet and lobelia, to my untrained eye at least. If anybody knows what it is, I'd love to hear! Anyway, there's a chilly rain falling this morning. My nameless plant likely won't last very much longer, so - here's to you, little plant; you made my porch look real pretty all summer, and you attracted the first hummingbird I saw since moving here three years ago. Ciao bella!


bobbie said...

It is a lovely plant. The bloomslook very much like violets, don't they? I hope you find out what it is so you can replace it next year.

Sylvia K said...

It is a beautiful plant! It's gray and chilly and rainy here today, too. But at least my Christmas cactus is blooming like crazy and lends a beautiful spot of color to the gloomy day. Have a good day!

Aleta said...

It's beautiful. Reminds me of Morning Glory blooms, but that's a vine. Funny to read, "deep south" in Canade. But then, I imagine someone in Mexico would think the same when I say, "southerner" in Louisiana. Lol. It's all from perspective.

Enjoyed your post!

Kelly said...

I wish I knew the name of your plant because it is very pretty! You definitely have a green thumb especially being able to keep it alive this long! Is there a chance it would live if you brought it inside? I obviously don't know very much about plants so there may not be any way possible, but it is sure beautiful!!

Unknown said...

That's a good plant, and kept you good company. But don't be afraid to try a new one. Porch plants are like that, it's a good way to remember a summer by, and differentiate it from the others. Great post.

magiceye said...

c'est la vie... sigh

Rose said...

I was going to ask you what the plant was...and before I read your comment about the leaves being frostbit, I was thinking I liked the leaves with their mottled coloring.

Indrani said...

Little joys of life! They definitely make us move ahead with hopes and dreams.