Monday, December 1, 2008


You know what they say - "There's never a comma around when you need one!" And sometimes we all just need to have our personal spacing respected, too. Here are a few photos of signs I've come across in my travels that made me smile. (click to enlarge)

Photo #1 Church
What’s the hurry if there’s no goodies afterwards?!

Recommendation: If the Lenten Sign Kit didn’t come with punctuation, then use three lines instead of two.

Photo #2 Restaurant near the beach
Misleading. I’ve been in there plenty of times without my cat, and I’ve always been served!

Recommendation: How about “YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE UNLESS YOU COVER YOUR HAIRY, SWEATY, SORRY SELF UP! AND LEAVE YOUR MUD-CAKED FRISBEE-SLATHERING DOG IN THE TRUCK.” Granted, it will have to be a bigger sign, but it's so much clearer. Effective communication is always the key to success!

Photo #3 Rental Hall
“I just don’t understand why we aren’t booking any events!”

Recommendation: If you want people to patronize your business, you might try looking like you're OPEN.

Finally, to offset the first three communication pretzels, here is, IMHO, a prize-winning example of effective signage. It comes right to the point; there’s nothing ambiguous, misplaced, or poorly punctuated. And yes, that is another sign in the back window with a phone number to call for the price. What more is there to say?


Dianne said...

I think I like Pray Fast the best!!

Sylvia K said...

Ah, yes, punctuation! It does make a difference doesn't it? not to mention "word use". There are some pretty strange signs out there.

wispy willow said...

I love the second one. Oh wait... maybe it's your comment on the second one that won me over. Yeah. It's definitely your comment. It's hilarious!

My college roommate and I used to collect photos of funny signs like those you've posted. We also kept pictures of odd mailboxes. We wanted to make a coffee table book out of them. You've got a good start here.

Squirrel said...

my favorite sign from my childhood was a sign posted on the door to our apartment building by the concierge. NO BUMBS IN HERE !!! . It only stayed up for a week before someone tore it down, but I liked it.

Squirrel said...

Bumbs would come in cold weather and loiter in the tiny lobby.

Deborah Godin said...

SQUIRREL just reminded me of my first ever crazy sign. It was on the front door of my Kindergarten, and it said, "No students allowed inside before the bell except during inclement weather." It was my Dad who pointed out that few 5-year-olds knew what "inclement" meant. There were days when we stood in the rain until a teacher came to the door. I suppose that wouldn't happen these days, but back in those days, we little kids were obedient to the point of getting wet!

bobbie said...

I definitely vote for "Pray Fast"

bobbie said...

I also like the word I had to type for the last comment - "latergo"

Kelly said...

I absolutely love the first one, comma or no comma, this is so funny!

Quiet Paths said...

This is the best laugh I've had in three days. Honestly, and I've seen some funny stuff. And Matt just read it over my shoulder and was doubled over.

Oh my I remember the whole inclement weather sign! It took me years to figure it out; I thought it meant you'd get incarcerated....

magiceye said...

lol! good ones!!