Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WATERY WEDNESDAY - Spraysicles, Lake Erie

Ever since I first heard about Watery Wednesday, I've thought we were a perfect match, seeing as how I have Lake Erie right at the end of my backyard. Well, finally today I'm joining in the fun. In my previous post here, I was grousing about how awful the wind has been lately on the north shore. Well, it's still windy, but at least the sun is out this morning. I bundled up and quickly took this shot of my neighbor's little overhanging porch. It's a lovely place for folks to sit on a warm (and calm!) summer evening and watch the sun set, but right now, with the spraycicles and layers of ice coating everything, it isn't very inviting.

For more watery goodness from around the world, or to participate yourself, visit Watery Wednesday.


Liesel said...

I can just hear the wind gush by and water spray against the balcony! I love being near water during a storm (although rather not on water during one ;) )L

simply divina said...

This is nice. I like it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you decided to join! I love this shot. Being in Southern Cal it's hard for me to imagine the beach being so cold that ice would form like that.

Carletta said...

I love the rolling waves and the frozen spray is awesome - I can almost sense the frigid air!
Great shot.

Mary said...

Wonderful! My parents use to live in Ohio with water access to Lake Erie, so I have a lot of fondness for that lake! that is a very cool shot!

NoBS said...

I went to college in Huron, Ohio. Our rented house was right on Lake Erie with nothing but a breakwall between the house and the water. When it got rough the water would actually hit against the back of the house! Over Christmas break one of our housemates (stupidly) left her goldfish and we came back to a goldfish in a giant round icecube!

BTW, thank God for the '70's and CKLW!!!

Jan said...

How cool is this, to live right on the lake. I love your shot, and am glad you bundled up and took it.

Quiet Paths said...

I bet you get some great winter storms though. Great shot.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what a beautiful photo! Love the water and the wind and the waves!

Great Grandma Lin said...

never heard of spraysicles but can see why they are called that. I prefer warm weather and desert winters.

Shelley said...

I love seeing the crashing of the waves - just a great photo overall!

SandyCarlson said...

That's a great shot. It sure looks chilly there!

Unknown said...

That looks like a good chop on the water. That's another water body I've never seen, and would like to visit. Thanks for sharing the photo.

Kim said...

What a fabulous photo. You are one lucky woman having that lake in your back yard! I bet you get a lot of good water birds in your area.

michael bird said...

Very nifty photo - nice having a spot on Lake Erie - lots of photo opportunities!

magiceye said...

hmmm... sure a lovely place to unwind!

Indrani said...

Still cold! Beautiful shot though.

Anonymous said...

"Spraysicles" - how appropriate.

Kathie Brown said...

Well, it may be cold but it makes for a lovely shot! I may find a bit of ice tomorrow when we head up to Flagstaff for the day. Brrrr! I'll have to bring a change of clothes as its still in the 70's down here! LOL! Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog lately.

me ann my camera said...

Spraysicles! Perfect. I love making up words too. And I love that little porch. I would sit there all night long on those long summer evenings.

Leora said...

Love this slishy sloshy photo. Love Watery Weds, too!