Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I woke up this morning to an odd scraping sound. It was only one of the cats playing with a piece of paper on the linoleum, but in my half-sleep, I thought it was someone shoveling outside. Then I remembered – we don’t have any snow. I'm not counting the inch we got at the end of last week, because right after it fell, it warmed up a degree or two and rained for three solid days. Now everything is back to green/brown. I know that many of you out there in other Northern parts of the Blogiverse who are struggling with too much snow and horrible ice are gnashing your teeth at the very thought that I might have the chutzpa to complain. No, I’m not complaining, just observing. I know that winters are generally milder here in the Pelee area (not too far from Windsor/Detroit). Most of the time we don’t get the huge dumps of lake effect snow that the western side of Michigan and New York do. That’s why they call this area Canada’s “Sun Parlor.” We’re actually south of the US border here, and those few degrees of latitude make all the difference. Still, when I was looking at some photos I took this time last year, I was amazed. Here are two shots, taken a year apart almost to the day. The only similarity is that the lake in each is unfrozen. In last year’s snowy shot it's harder to see the waves (it was very blustery that day, and I took the picture from inside) but the gulls are riding the wind, watching for small fish the waves toss onto the breakwall rocks. In the recent photo, you can definitely tell the surf’s up, but there’s not a snowflake in sight. Well, I guess I should count my blessings; soon enough that scraping noise will be all too real.


Rose said...

I cannot help but long for at least one snowfall...it sort of renews things for me. Till it gets all brown and yukky--then I am ready for it to be gone!

In your first photo, that statue really looks like someone standing there with the wind blowing their hair across their face. Then I enlarged it!

Great Grandma Lin said...

just wait, we got our snowflakes yesterday. see my blog and we live in the sw desert.

bobbie said...

It really does look like someone standing on the shore. But what a huge difference!

Quiet Paths said...

Isn't it amazing how waters and mountains can change; not only from year to year, season to season but over the course of a day. And yet remain so steadfast.

magiceye said...

what a striking contrast!

Kim said...

We are getting our first substantial snow today. I don't miss it at all, but it sure it pretty to look at.

me ann my camera said...

That is a full sized statue? I am intrigued. We have one on our lawn and I often photograph it in the different seasonal changes. Our weather pattern, minus the lake and the winds, is very similar to your environment this year as we are green brown still too, although we have had some messy school closure days but keep reverting back to the pre winter default mode.

However snow is forecast for later during the day.

Squirrel said...

our pattern has been snow followed quickly by arming and rain. dang! and if the temps dip, it all turns to that sneaky black ice .

waysical -- !

Indrani said...

That first shot left me gaping too.
Never seen so much snow, have a safe winter!