Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Welcome to the first edition of Lake Erie Thaw Watch (kind of cross between Watery Wednesday and Skywatch Friday), which I'll be updating 'whenever' over the next while. Sooner or later, the icebound lake will open, and I’ll be there with my camera to catch all the action. Well, okay, so it won’t be edge-of-your-seat thrilling action. Plus it may happen at night. It could take a few days, or weeks, or even hours. You never can tell. But I promise you, my friends, when I know about it, you’ll know about it!

This morning it’s clear and bright and very very windy. The local weather report says there’s a wind warning for the whole Windsor, Ontario tri-county area. They gave the wind speed as 59km / 37m, with gusts to 70 km. I’d just bet those numbers are higher out here on the shore (note to self – see about getting an inexpensive but reliable wind gauge). Without the wind, the temperature would be a couple of degrees above freezing, but the wind chill factor has knocked that down to about -6C / 21F.

The first thing I noticed as I looked out on my lake view was the increased amount of open water. The ice close to shore still holds, and with it the ridge of “ice mountains” that I’ve been photographing much of the winter, but in the open lake behind them, those white flecks aren’t baby bergs – no, those are white caps raised by the wind. If they were able to make it all the way to shore, there’d be some major splash-over into my yard. I apologize if the pictures are a little off, it’s hard to stand against the wind and keep steady! (click to enlarge)


Squirrel said...

I really like the sky in the bottom shot, and am very very impressed by the white caps that just stopped!!! I miss white caps--the river gets lumpy and choppy and pretty much just flows along. How large does a lake have to be to produce white caps? How large does a lake have to be to be considered Great? It's amazing when you think people could be standing in NY state, Ohio, and various parts of Canada, & all staring at the same lake.

Shelley said...

I love seeing the thaw action! Your photos are great and show Lake Erie's beauty well! My lake is just starting to break up on the shallow canal part- I expect more progress when we head back up there this weekend.

Sylvia K said...

Great shots! I could almost feel the wind! and hear the ice breaking! It's great being able to watch all of this happen through your photos! Thanks as always for helping us see the beauty and the action in your neck of the woods!

Rose said...

We have the wind, too. We had gusts up to 45 mph I think they said. Maybe it is blowing in spring...but it sure is on the cool side here today.

Dianne said...

the wind is headed this way

at first I thought I was looking at beach with some ice beyond it and then realized it was all ice!!


and NJ thinks it knows what cold is

I look forward to the thaw

Great Grandma Lin said...

wow, never knew about ice and lakes. read that michigan was getting flooded by lake ice melting. hope you are okay.

SandyCarlson said...

I bet you do look forward to the thaw. I would, too. Spring takes her time, doesn't she?

Beth P. said...

vVery 'cool'! Thanks for keeping us posted...

Cloudia said...

In Kalapana on the Big Island huge amounts of lava have flowed, covering the old beach, and extending the new land far far out to what used to be sea. It looks like the black version of Lake Erie! Very Cool landscape you share with us... Aloha