And then there's the ducks. My pair of mallards stopped by and basked in a brief moment of sun that broke through the clouds. Sitting with one's back to the wind works if one remains seated, like the female, but stand up, like the male, and the wind does the most unflattering things with feathers. Talk about a wide load!

When the rain took a break, I popped out out to get the mail. We never get any pigeons around here, but I thought the beaded water on an oil spot in my parking area made pretty pigeon colors, so I went back for my camera. While it certainly wouldn't count as a sighting for anyone's Life List, after three soaking days, I'm getting desperate for something with a hint of color! I suppose I shouldn't complain; you don't have to shovel rain...
Oh, it looks so cold! And I don't like the wind! We had some beautiful sunshine for a few hours yesterday afternoon, but it's gone again today and was in the 30s. Know that isn't cold for you, but with the damp, it goes to the bone. Poor birds! Love your "oil" photo, great colors! Stay warm! By the way if you want to see something inspiring, take a look at this video, it'll take a few minutes for you to see what I mean, but it's worth it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxPZh4AnWyk cut and paste it.
Hi Deb, Sorry about all of the rain and especially winds---but I'm glad they are blowing offshore.. Poor little birds.. I'm sure that wind makes it hard for them. Hope your weather turns around soon!!!
Wise words. "You don't have to shovel rain."
We are also going through a period of wind and rain and it's too darned cold for spring. They promise better weather for the weekend.
We have lots of wind here too but no rain. I wish he had some of your rain.
we certainly are all having weather-ours is winds and no rain.
Oh those poor little birds. I bet that wind is fierce like on Flathead. Your last paragraph made me smile. I just wrote something similar regarding the need for a bit of color! The water droplets are pretty pigeon.
Deborah, you have quite the imagination there!
You live amidst beauty and share it unfailingly with us. Thanks & Aloha, Sistah
Debra: I has been very windy in Scotttsdale also..Winds like I've never experienced...I also watched the birds being blownoff!
I'm home now...weather's not bad here! JUst like the cool mornings by the mountains!
The rain that never ends! April is as good as her name this year, I think. I'm thinking about letting things go "like water off a duck's back" and thinking it's a skill that comes with evolution! May the sun shine soon.
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