one after another after an
other, the words tumbled
out, in my voice
towards you
it’s impossible to say exactly
how many, impossible
to reconstruct them precisely as
they were but
in the end they all could
be reduced to
now I have
written everything
down the way it ought to have been
and it still comes out
to just one
Visit ONE SINGLE IMPRESSION for haiku and other poetic responses to this prompt.
9 hours ago
Oh, I need to get those "one words" flowing. Very nice.
Nice collection too.
I love this -- it makes the reader want to know what the "one word" was. Better that we should imagine our own idea. My guess "goodbye."
I agree with Sue...I could hear the word (Goodbye) being shouted here to deaf ears.
The flow of words are like a stream flowing smoothly over mossy stones. I feel settled somehow.
This is beautifully written Deborah. Great take on the prompt.
interesting thoughts, I'm wondering what one word would be...maybe leave or come or goodbye or hello. actually could be lots of things-just someone's name.
Well done with a touch of intrigue. I liked it.
I'm wondering about the one word too....
Beautifully written!
I love your books.
I love your poem.
It does set one wondering just which one word to choose. So many possibilities.
Nice poem to go with the prompt. It has been so long since I have posted on OSI. I find it hard to keep up with just ONE blog!
Your One Word makes me think of the movie "City Slickers where Curly tells the main charecter-whose-name-I-can't-remeber about "one" thing. Perhaps all is reduced to "One" in the end.
Thanks for all your recent comments on my blog. I do so appreciate your visits!
This rings so true and the word is not always goodbye...
I enjoyed your words; the mystery, and the condensing of things (that need to be) said into a definitive, final word.
this is like one single impression literally :)
Well done. My mind is also turning over the possibilities. It's a great way to leave your readers. Pondering, carrying your words around in the pockets of their minds long after they're finished reading them.
I LOVE this post!
I love looking at people's books.
(sounds like something an accountant would say)
This is like following in the path of thoughts. I really liked this poem, Deb.
an affirmation to me that what i often wrap in pages of words i might just as powerfully say with one
Okay. You've posted a photo with some of your books here. I've posted the same photo on my FB page few minutes ago, (in "Things around me" album) without seeing this one.
OMG. We are connected. O_O
Your poem made me think of how I listen--one word at a time and to the whole message. Perhaps that's true of all of us who love language? And when we speak of love, how much richer the experience?
I enjoyed this very much.
Wonderful use of the prompt! Nicely written!
i feel the 'lost' one word..ive been feeling a lot like taht lately
in the toss of life, we find our way
in a torrent of words, there is a stone.
Beautiful!!! Thank you for this poem
I love your reasoning... left me wonderfing which one word you were thinking of! Beautifully written!
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