Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TUESDAY – Two Awards

Today I saw the first new robin of the season, all freckled and fledged, sitting in the lilac bush. I was approaching to fill the niger feeders, and s/he continued to sit, eyeing me, not sure what to make of me, and mother wasn’t around at the moment to pip out a warning. So the inexperienced newby let me approach to within a couple of feet. Finally, instinct must have kicked in and the youngster flew off, but I felt like I’d just been given the "Friendly Human Award."

And from fellow blogger and friend, Kat at Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes, comes the blog award pictured here. I’m quite amazed by the checklist of items that this one acknowledges, and would be happy to think I offered up the merest fraction of any of them—so thank you Kat!

From Kat's blog:

1) The Blog manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervade amongst different cultures and beliefs
2) The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3) There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture, Sciences and Beliefs.
4) The Blog is refreshing and creative
5) The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

* Those of you who receive this award are required to do the following:
1) Create a post with a mention and link to the blogger who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award to you.
2) The award conditions must be displayed in the post.
3) Write a short article about what your blog has thus far achieved preferably citing one or more older post to support.
4) The blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award to blogs in concurrence with the award conditions.
5) The blogger must display the award at any location on their blog.

Okay, you know me, I'm going to jump right to the fun part: passing it on. I’m going to give you the link to a blog some will be familiar with, but those who are not will be delighted to discover: Beth at The Virtual Tea House. Beth’s blog is a wonderful well to drink from, and a good source of links and other delightful and challenging things she collects in her e-travels, plus her own wonderful poetry. Beth’s blog subtitle is “Engaging the spiritual in everyday life” and that is genuinely what it does.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons/Trisha


Beth P. said...

wow Deborah! Thank you so much...that is so humbling. I will make a post to it tonight and pass it on. It's great 'lineage' to come from Kat to you to me. Honored. And I look forward to getting to know moreof your friends.

Thanks for your kindness--

bobbie said...

What a sweet fledgling.

Congratulations on your award. I followed the link, and did enjoy reading Beth's blog. (Really find it hard to believe that BBC thinks most people haven't read more than 5 of those 100 books)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Deb, Congrats on the awards. Looks as if (as I check out your posts from last week) you had alot of stormy and wet weather. I know how you hate it when the winds come in from the lake and splash all over your back yard and windows. Hopefully this week will be better.

I too have a couple of "Learn the bird songs and calls" CD's---and neither have helped me either. I have better luck look at individual bird calls online.

Hope you have a good week.

Great Grandma Lin said...

enjoyed looking at a new blogspot site. there is so much to comment on in our world.

Sylvia K said...

Congratulations on the award, Deborah! Well deserved! Love the little fledgling! I'll check Beth's site out now!

Cloudia said...

You deserve many awards from humans and birds! Aloha-

Shelley said...

What a sweet little Robin!!
Congrats on your award - you have a great blog!!

Beth P. said...

Dear Deb--

Here's my post, passing on this wonderful award!


And thanks to Poetikat for the 'lineage'!!

Loves to you--