Sunday, May 10, 2009


it’s like:

learning it isn’t too serious

hearing they really liked it

not wanting to go, then it’s cancelled

starting over

finding a twenty in your jacket pocket
on your way out to lunch

being vindicated at last

a breath of fresh air

you never went

it never happened

I always dreamed it would be

Visit ONE SINGLE IMPRESSION for haiku and other poetic responses to this prompt.

Photo from


bobbie said...

I love this post.

anthonynorth said...

These all formed beautifully and poetically.

Dianne said...

lovely! such perfect flow of words

SandyCarlson said...

Beautifully expressed. "Not wanting to go, then it's canceled" resonated with me...The flow of thoughts and what's it like behind it all is evocative.

Great Grandma Lin said...

interesting thoughts and photo...

Anonymous said...

I was stumped with this one, you got just right, though.

Sylvia K said...

I love it! Beautiful words and thoughts! Thanks, Deborah!

sgreerpitt said...

Yes!! So many good descriptions of that feeling of good fortune, of the sunshining on us after a long week of rain... I like the first line especially "learning it isn't too serious."

Jim said...

Hi Deborah, these are all nice things. So if I just played golf every day and ignore the other stuff it will all work out!
BTW, I am in the process of cleaning up my office. Most every day I work at it I find money. Several hundred and I'm not nearly done. My grand daughter would like to help me, for the money.

floreta said...

time to move on and let go :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's just like that! I remember one day many years ago when my ex and I had not a cent and I didn't have gas for my car. I found that $20 bill! My theory is that it's the same $20 bill, that floats around changing everyone's life, if they'll let it!

Tumblewords: said...

Terrific! And so THAT is what it's like! So enjoyable...And I really loved the book shelf descriptions above this post, too!

gabrielle said...

life is really too important to be taken seriously.

kickin down the cobble stone
feelin groovy

i love this poem!

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

"it never happened" oh if this was so, "i always dreamed it would be" a line that could easily set my soul free, and bring me some peace!

Neverending story said...

Very good, I needed to read it a couple of times for each to sink in, such an evocative selection of scenarios.

Quiet Paths said...

So creative; I really enjoyed this.

Tammy Brierly said...

I was stumped due to blog sabbatical but I came here and was inspired. TY

zoya gautam said...

.. " like a walk in the rain " _

(through a french vineyard )

- a poem soft & fresh ..many thanks ..

Patti said...

Love this! You covered them all (especially the 20.00 in the pocket and not wanting to go and it's canceled). Thanks for shring this great interpretation!