Sunday, July 26, 2009

PET PRIDE — Sweeney Goes Into Nap Mode





To see more adorable pets from around the world, and/or to post your own, visit PET PRIDE. And don't forget to say 'hello' to Bozo!


Quiet Paths said...

Wonderful! Sweeney is a cat who knows how to nap.

Shelley said...

That was adorable! Sweeney is such a sharp looking kitty! I love her black nose!

Indrani said...

Such cute shots! :)

kesslerdee said...

Just darling!

LadyFi said...

Oh gosh - isn't Sweeney just adorable! What beautiful colouring s/he has! (Not sure if it is a boy or a girl... sorry!)

Great Grandma Lin said...

now we need one with her head on the pillow or did she sleep that way?

Sylvia K said...

Now there is a cat who knows how to nap -- just like me! And really goodlooking -- for a cat, you understand ...

Sam Schnauzer

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Well Sweeney your just the cutiest. You really know how to take a cat nap. Lisa

Anya said...

You are beautiful
I love your black nose :)

hugs Kareltje =^.^=

Jinksy said...

I wish I could make my eyes do this to order!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Sweeney is a beautiful kitty, those shots are very cute!

Annie Jeffries said...

Awwwww. Good kitty.

Esther Garvi said...

What a cute nose tip she has!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sweeney is the most unique-looking cat I've ever seen. Love that black nose... That gives character, doesn't it?????

Thanks for sharing.

SandyCarlson said...

These were fun. I found myself getting sleepy, too! I would love to cuddly with that adorable guy and take a nap.

Rose said...

These are adorable!

Ingrid said...

I have to laugh when I see Sweeney's face ! Nature has a lot of phantasy to create cat patterns, lol ! what a sweet face with this black spot !

magiceye said...

aaah...bliss... this is what we ALL LOVE DOING DONT WE?!!

Pet Pride

Dianne said...

Sweeney almost hypnotized me!

The Creek Cats said...

Sweeney is a cutie!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting us!

P.S. Love the Ususal Suspects!

me ann my camera said...

Mr. Sweeney is s very handsome cat!
great photo capture!

sgreerpitt said...

oooh. Now if I could just get some of my cats to sleep on command!