Thursday, November 12, 2009

SKYWATCH FRIDAY - Skipping Sun (Lake Erie)

On the post before last, I included a sunset with a flock of Canada geese drifting through. Someone mentioned it would be a good Skywatch post, but I thought today I'd show a slightly different shot of it. This is the sun's reflection just before the geese arrived. I like the way the differences in the water surface make it look almost like the sun is skipping across the water like a stone. The second shot was taken last night as I watched the ferry returning from Ohio pass slowly in front of the light, just as the sun slipped below the edge of the lake.

To view more skies from all around our beautiful planet, or to join in, visit SKYWATCH. Live links after 2:30 p.m. EST time or 19:30 GMT. And thanks to the Skywatch team for this weekly meme.


Great Grandma Lin said...

great shots, so peaceful

Dewdrop said...

For a moment, I imagined I was there. So beautiful. I love the colors, the reflection, the peacefulness. Wild horses couldn't have dragged me away from that view.

I do have a friend (on my chase team) in Norfolk, who is a quarter mile from the coast. His neighborhood flooded this morning. Please include Mikey and his family in your prayers.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I love to see the ferries moving through the sunsets! Really beautiful shots, Deb! And I love the idea of the sun as a skipping-stone, too! Such beautiful colors! Fabulous!

Have a great weekend!


Jim said...

Sydney - City and Suburbs

Eve said...

Those are beautiful - I love the reflection of the sun on the water!

Dianne said...

the long golden reflection of the sun on the water is so beautiful

eileeninmd said...

Awesome photos. the light is gorgeous as is the scenery.

Anonymous said...

Yep, these are good, too. You must have really had a good photo shot that day. Is there always traffic on the water, and do they use horns or any other kind of signals when ships pass?

bobbie said...

Deborah, these are so beautiful!

Quiet Paths said...

Your sunset photos lately have been outstanding. Beauty in color moment.

Eaglesbrother said...

Beautiful Sunset colors...great shots.


hetty said...

Great shots!

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for these wonderfully summery colors in your autumn sky. I sure do like the way the sun is skipping across the lake.

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL sunset views ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Jossie said...

Spectacular sunset. That was the one I had been waiting for!

Japa said...

Very good capture of sunset. Nice words too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fabulous skywatch pictures, Deb.

Hope things go well with your new book.

Cloudia said...


Lorac said...

Absolutely golden. It looks rich!!

Carolyn said...

Deborah, these are beautiful captures and such lovely colours. Where does the ferry dock? I know years ago they tried to get a ferry going between Port Stanley and the other side but I never knew there was another one.
Thanks for sharing and smiles

Pearl Maple said...

Nice colourful photos for sky watch friday, fun name too

Kathie Brown said...

Oh how the light does play in your backyard! Gorgeous!

EG CameraGirl said...

Outstanding photos, Deborah! Lake Erie has never been more beautiful.

Carletta said...

Both are excellent shots and great composition!
Lovely, lovely, lovely....

Anonymous said...

simply beautifully captured shots...lovely views!