Friday, August 29, 2008


My friend Judith is one of those enviable people with many talents and interests. She’s very good at all the useful left-brain stuff, organizing meetings and luncheons, producing newsletters, keeping wheels turning. And she’s also very right-brained and creative. She writes, gardens, and does all manner of art projects. I was over for coffee one day a couple of weeks ago, and discovered one more artistic thing I didn’t know she does – painting on silk scarves. The top photo is of her table, with the frame and clips she uses to hold the silk in place. I thought it was such a beautiful object, so Zen-simple and quietly monochrome, resting on the wood and glass of the table, I asked her if I could take some pictures of it. When I was over again yesterday, she had much the same setting, only this time with some of her finished scarves. Such a contrast – the rich chakra colors of the painted scarves alongside her artful table décor had the room just vibrating! I asked her permission to share these views with my blog friends. So here they are, the before and after – or the yin and yang – of painting on silk scarves. And Judith has said I can come over sometime and try painting one myself!


magiceye said...

oooh they are so pretty...

Sylvia K said...

Those are beautiful! How wonderful to be so talented! Glad she was willing to share them.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful!I want you all the best!

bobbie said...

Oh Deborah, thank you for showing this to us. I had no idea how it was done.

She must be very talented. Thank her for us for sharing.

SandyCarlson said...

These are very, very beautiful. They are like skies in themselves. Thanks for sharing your friend's talent and your own! Great story.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Where does she get the scarves?

Deborah Godin said...

To gardenpath and anyone else who might be interested, the scarves come from Toronto. If you're interested in the contact info of the place, email me and I'll ask Judith and get back to you or post it.

Squirrel said...

beautiful. Judith is a good friend to have. Maybe I can tempt you into visiting Nyack...

we have a bead place...

Indrani said...

Your friend is very talented and very innovative, the way she clips the silk to hold it in place.
Some people are blessed with talents and talents.

Bob Dylan said...

judith is an artist -- i once visited a friend who was exceptionally well organized and productive. On her wall were some watercolor paintings, the first three were gorgeous and really spoke to me, the fourth was so-so. i praised the three that i liked --it turned out they were hers, the fourth one was a gift from some gallery. when i discovered she was the artist i was surprised she found the time to create such beautiful works of art. turns out she didn't have as much time as she would have liked. hopefully judith has all the time she needs to create.