Sunday, September 7, 2008


This is my first contribution to IRFD. I wasn't sure what to expect; the day dawned with the first real rain we've had in a couple of months. At first it was daunting, but as it started to lighten, I suited up and went out. The first rock I flipped had nothing underneath it but a colony of pill bugs. I can do better than this, I said to myself, and flipped another. Nothing, not even pill bugs. From there, I flipped several more. Nothing, nothing, and more nothing. I should mention that I live close to Point Pelee, which is one of the premiere birding spots in the entire world. The town of Leamington is also known as The Tomato Capital of Canada. We have a lot to brag about, but when it come to critters under rocks, apparently not so much. I had decided to give up when that one last rock caught my eye. I thought, May as well give it a flip, and man, am I ever glad I did!!

For more rock flips around the world, go to Via Negativa


Kathie Brown said...

So, that's were Elvis has been hiding all these years! You've given me a good laugh, which I needed today.

Sian said...

Hey! It's the Return of The King!!

Keep rolling your rocks baby :o)

Sylvia K said...

I love it! I've always wondered where that guy had gone! Great post and a good, needed laugh -- guess there are several of us that needed that.

PJ said...

What a find! The Kang! He looks very clean.

Kathi said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I loved yours! Obviously, I flipped the wrong rock.

Have never been to Point Pelee, but I must take a trip there, for birds and The King.


Anonymous said...

I KNEW he wasn't gone forever. Thanks for the laugh.

NW Nature Nut said...

I mostly found pillbugs too. Wow, you did find a rare one though!!

magiceye said...

lol! was he singing 'are you lonesome tonite'?

Anonymous said...

Best. Find. Ever.

Dave Coulter said...

You did a LOT better than I did, lol! Very cool. I visited Pt. Pelee once years's a nice spot!

bobbie said...

You did good! I'm a little afraid to look under the rocks in my yard, but maybe I'll give it a try. You never know what you'll find, do you? You've given me courage.

Dog_geek said...

No way! All I find is some ants and an orange fuzz ball thing, and you find Elvis!! It's just not fair! :o)

Jen said...

Wow, I was beginning to feel bad that we didn't find any pillbugs, but NOW I feel bad that we didn't find any dead rock stars either! Some people have ALL the luck!

Dianne said...

I didn't know about this ahead of time!!

I wonder if anything good is left under any rocks near me


Deborah Godin said...

Thanks to all who left comments and flipped the laughter right back to me!!

Hugh Griffith said...


I hope you flipped the rock back tenderly.

Anonymous said...

It's funny you found a slim Elvis. After all, late in life he too was pretty rolly poly.

Great post!

pohanginapete said...

Maybe the birds from Point Pelee ate most of the critters? I was going to say Elvis had lost a lot of weight, but Julie beat me to it.
Thanks for the laughter, Deborah :^D

Quiet Paths said...

What a hoot! Rather like designated geocaching....

Dar's Foto Faze said...

How wonderful! Thank you for the giggle. Great way to start the day.