Sunday, December 14, 2008


loud music
from a passing truck
the neighbor’s dog
barking at something
or other, the wind
sighing in bare branches
take another
sip of coffee, pick up
the pen: still
thinking of you

For more poetic interpretations of this prompt, or to participate, visit
One Single Impression
Photo – Raven and Solstice Sun, High Country (click to enlarge)


bobbie said...

Just beautiful, Deborah, both picture and words.

Sylvia K said...

I can only echo Bobbie's words. Your words are as beautiful as your photos and always a joy to read and look at!

anthonynorth said...

Those distractions are so much a part of life.
Nicely done.

Quiet Paths said...

I love this. So spare, so full of meaning.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is nice. I wasn't expecting the last lines.

Haiku Tuna said...

Ditto, fourwinds. The last lines really got me in my heart/gut and pulled the poem back from distraction.

SandyCarlson said...

I love it. To note the distractions yet stay focused on the friend. Wonderful and warm.

Rose said...

You are so good with words--I am envious! Oh, I like the photograph, too.

Beth P. said...

you are a poet's poet...
your words and the image make me long for something--

thank you

Raven said...

Just beautiful. I love the poem and I love the photograph. Both exquisite. The mundane made profound.

Shelley said...

One of my favorites for sure - the poem was lovely - I could hear the noises you were describing.

Great Grandma Lin said...

you captured the essence of the moment perfectly in photo and words.

Naturegirl said...

No distractions please while I view this peace! Great image and words!

hitch writer said...

nicely written, and picturised...

Kim said...

Lovely words and picture. Great way to start off my Monday. Thanks!

me ann my camera said...

I read the last line as being the distraction, allowing for the others to intervene. I can feel the quietness otherwise...

Anonymous said...

To the point. Precise..

mundane meanderings

PS: Please do come and post at Monday Poetry Train Revisited. You will love to board it

Tumblewords: said...

Ah, the distractions of life - well done!

sgreerpitt said...

Ah, welcome distractions, taking us away from thoughts. Lovely choice of photograph.

Mojo said...


That's my dog Tonka.
And My truck too probably.
Sorry about that.


dennis said...

Dennis is inspired by this post to take some time off and write a poem.

Squirrel said...

you do have a way with words,

and clever--
my family is cracking up over your thoughts on seagulls and what the cardboard people do.

spacedlaw said...

What, no distractions?
Good that you can stay focused on the essential things.

Tammy Brierly said...

Everyday distractions, it's a wonder we ever get anything done. Nice job!

Jim said...

But it's hard sometimes with all those distractions.
Perhaps you have hit upon the reason kids text message, they can smell the distracting roses (besides saving money).

Kathie Brown said...

You've captured a moment of reality there. For me it would be the birds singing, the hawk flying, the dryer stopping, then I put fingers to the keyboard and get back to blogging!

Anonymous said...

love the simplicity of single thoughts all in a row..waiting..