The lake is unfrozen, but the ice coating the breakwall is still solid. This was a weed of some sort last summer. I think it had little yellow flowers on it, which caused me to spare it the day I was weeding saplings out of the crevices in the rocks. Now the spray from the wind-driven waves has covered it with a thick shield of ice, as if nature were dabbling in cryonics. It may indeed bloom again in the coming spring, but perhaps only if it has entrusted its seeds to the wind.
"Cast Your Fate to the Wind" is an American pop standard written by Vince Guaraldi, with lyrics by Carel Werber, which won a Grammy Award for Best Original Jazz Composition in 1963. The song has been extensively covered, often by easy listening groups such as Sounds Orchestral (who scored a #10 US pop chart and #1 US Easy Listening chart hit with the tune in 1965) and the West Coast folk-rock band We Five. The song was also featured on Guaraldi's own album featuring his versions of music from the film Black Orpheus. (Wikipedia)
Video by YT member tbird196665 (Sounds Orchestral version)
Post title is from the song lyrics
the weed icicle is amazing!
I enjoyed the music. And I love the little weed so carefully preserved, first by you, then by Nature.
that is one of my favorite pieces of music -- I think I like the instrumental versions better than those with lyrics (although I always add the words as I sing along). I have a version on my iPod done by new age pianist George Winston.
A weedcicle! How cool! Hope the little dear survives! I love it! Also enjoyed the music! Thanks for the goodies!
That weed is amazing. I am glad you spared it and came back to it with your camera!
That poor plant. I've never felt sorrier for a weed. Great framing of the winter with the season that came before, both pictorially and narratively. You really painted the scene.
Great shot of a weed frozen in time - ice can be so beautiful!
the weed reminds of how people look in their coffins-lifeless but their outer shell is there. the spirit that gave them life is gone as is the plant but seeds will carry on as our children do for us after we are gone.
I love the icicle picture!! So pretty. I am going to check out the music in a little while because all of the comments have me intrigued. Off to feed the birds now as they are all starving. ;o)
How unique that is!
Yes the weedsicle is seriously aMazing. Thank YOU!
cast your fate to the wind is nice ... it always reminds me of Charlie Brown. Linus, snoopy. I always picture Snoopy dancing (sort of ballet /modern dance) when i here it. I also think of beaches when i hear it---where better to feel the wind than on a beach?
that weed might have been goldenrod --there was A LOT of it this past fall.
I love the picture of the weed encased in ice! Frozen Summer!
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