Thursday, December 11, 2008

SKYWATCH FRIDAY – Winter Sun Gilds the Waves (Lake Erie)

I learn to prophesy the hid eclipse,
The coming of eccentric orbs;
To mete the dust the sky absorbs,
To weigh the sun, and fix the hour each planet dips.

from A Sign-Seeker, by Thomas Hardy

To view more skies from around our beautiful world, visit SKYWATCH

Click photo to enlarge


Shelley said...

It looks like the sky opened up just a little bit for your winter sun to shine thru. This is an excellent photo!

Dianne said...

I love how dark the water is! it makes that bit of light even more stunning

YourFireAnt said...

Oh! More of your exquisite lake/sky photographs! I never tire of looking at them.

Thanks for this.


Squirrel said...

gilding the waves --how tricky that winter sun is, how it fools me with it's golden rays into thinking maybe it's mild out there.

actually we've had two misty mild days, but I feel a change is coming.

I've been getting a lot of Uns today, unism and unlerper being the most pronounce-able .

Squirrel said...

I like his novels very much, and have not given his poems enough attention. will root around for some.

Quiet Paths said...

in awe here. Great capture of a singular moment and the Hardy quote is wonderful.

bobbie said...

This photo is fantastic!

PJ said...

Water is ever-changing and this and the previous photo are extraordinary, I just love them.

Photo Cache said...

Simply artistic capture. Happy weekend.

Kim said...

I LOVE that photo. The sun in it is so cool!

Raven said...

Beautiful.... I love the contrasts and the way the sun emerging is reflected on the water. Lovely poetry too go with it too.

Sylvia K said...

That is so beautiful it's almost eerie and unreal! What a fabulous photo! Thanks, I never tire of looking at your photos either.

Aleta said...

This picture is what cameras ware made of. Beautiful beyond the words to capture it.

the7msn said...

Brrr...that lake looks so cold. Beautiful, but cold.

BTW, your link on the Skywatch main page is misspelled - clud instead of cloud. But I found you anyway.

I wish Blogger would fix that darned bug. I switched my comment format for a few days and switched it right back when I figured out what was going on.

SandyCarlson said...

I love that water! Your softened clouds are wonderful. I love the way the clouds respond to light this time of year.

Guy D said...

Wow what a fantastic skywatch shot, definately one of my favourites thus far this week. Thanks so much.

Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lovely shots! I really love shots like these! It's like the heavens are opening for us :)

magiceye said...

beautiful capture! looks like the sun on the run!

Grammy said...

I very much enjoyed your beautiful photo. I love lake Erie.
Have a great sky watch week.

Pretty Life Online said...

Perfect catch for Skywatch! Mine’s up too hope you can visit.. Have a nice weekend!

hitch writer said...

Great sky watch.. that was lovely..!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Deb: What a nice photo of the waves over the lake. You have a great area to capture the sky.

kesslerdee said...

Beautiful picture- the water against the sky is awesome!

bobbie said...

Please visit my blog after 10: today. There is an award waiting for you.

Small City Scenes said...

A hole in the sky. What a great shot over the Lake. MB

Indrani said...

Nice silvery reflection at the horizon. Beautiful shot!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! If I weren't in my pjs, I'd be tempted to jump in the car and drive up to the lake just to see if I could see something equally beautiful in person.

Anonymous said...

I really love this photo. So extreme yet calm. Excellent Skywatch post.