Thursday, October 29, 2009

SKYWATCH FRIDAY - Indian Summer Skies Over Point Pelee

After my drive to the Point Pelee Tip got rained out (previous post) the weather shifted, and it got warmer and sunnier. So my neighbor and I took her two corgis on their tandem leash (is there anything cuter than fluffy little corgi bums scampering along side by side?) and headed to the Tip. Here are two views of the very southernmost land of Canada, one looking out into Lake Erie, and the other with my back to the lake, showing the divided water. And of course, a photo of Katie and Lizzie in their glory!

To view more skies from all around our beautiful planet, or to join in, visit SKYWATCH. Live links after 2:30 p.m. EST time or 19:30 GMT. And thanks to the Skywatch team for the weekly meme.


Rachel Fox said...

I had to check my calendar for a minute there...thinking maybe I had missed a day! And you're behind us...aren't you?
Very confusing...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you finally made it to the 'tip' Deb.... Great pictures. Those little fluffy guys are so cute. I'm sure they loved the area also.


Great Grandma Lin said...

we didn't get to see the cute little bums of the doggies. looked like they enjoyed the romp and nice weather

Deborah Godin said...

@ Lin - Alas, no corgi memory card was maxed out!

Lorac said...

That makes me long for summer again! Haven't been to the tip in a long time!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what terrific shots, Deb! So glad you got some sun and made it to the "tip"! Love those Corgies! Aren't they fun to walk with? Sam and Mojo always have so much fun, that I do too, regardless of the weather.

Enjoy your weekend!


Carletta said...

Beautiful shots!
I love the first one. It's as if I've reached the last very pointed tip of land there is. This shot is definitely for daydreaming. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful place to walk. Did you see many birds, or did the little guys see them first?

So vast, looking out. Can you see the other shore?

Guy D said...

Excellent shots, love the view in the first pic.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Naturegirl said...

Deborah not only is the scenery gorgeous but seeing those favorite species of dogs!! I had one that passed away..she's planted in in our garden and each time I see a Corgi..I feel my ~Ginny~ has dropped by to say from your post..I am getting ~~TWO~~ greetings!
You certainly made my heart sing with Joy! Thank you!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Your skies are much like ours right now ... beautiful weather for a doggie romp ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Gill - That British Woman said...

so another fan of the "Queen's doggie's," great shots.


bobbie said...

I would love to be standing on the Point with you, looking out over the water.

Jim said...

a great location
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...

"Corgi bums"...cute! Just think, winter is just around the corner...Yikes!

magiceye said...

lovely images

Chubskulit Rose said...

It would be nice to take for a walk there and sit after a while..

Have a glimpse of a Korean Sunset.

Quiet Paths said...

So glad you are having some sun and warmer temps. The beach looks so inviting!

EG CameraGirl said...

I have never been to the tip of Point Pelee. That is so cool! One of the items on my "bucket list."

Dewdrop said...

Beautiful! Looks so serene. Really terrific!

Gel said...

Beeeee=you=ti-full vistas! Sound enjoyable,too.

Aleta said...

Cool pictures, love the one with the dogs in it too. How adorable are they!!

me ann my camera said...

I didn't experience enough beach weather this summer past. Your lovely beach photo is a flashback of what should have been. Cute doggies!

Quilt Works said...

Love teh corgies! Ready to have fun!

Beautiful composition!

My contribution is the incredible sky of Quebec City, hope you like it too

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Looks great for swimming, thanks for sharing

Dianne said...

pretty skies

I LOVE your trick or treat button on the sidebar

Anonymous said...

Cute dogs - corgies have such interesting personalities. I must get to Point Pelee one of these days - there's so much in this part of the country I haven't seen yet.

I'm late returning visits, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate your stopping by and your commenting. :)