It never ceases to amaze me, how different the lake can look. It changes with all the usual larger rhythms - the seasons, day to day, hour to hour. But even moment to moment the light changes, clouds shift, precipitation sweeps across my view. We had a few stray flakes earlier this afternoon. Now it looks like all rain or snow is in Ohio. Which is it? I can't tell from here.
Beautiful almost eerie shot! I love it!
It's a moody looking lake! I love watching the changes too!
Very cool. I really the the contrasting grays.
BTW: I just saw my name on your comment commentary (I didn't even know we could do that, HA)
I just looked at my settings and I don't know what could be causing it. I have the same problem with someone I post to frequently and it's weirld because I can comment on my home PC, but not my work PC.
Very weird.....
I have just found your blog. Love the pictures and the words. I really enjoyed the Robert Frost poem. It reminded me so forcefully of Autumn in England when I was young.
interesting photo. never lived near much water but love to watch sunsets and sunrises when there are clouds.
Simply makes one forget the time passing by! Nice shot!
the brrrr time is here?!!
I can't believe I am writing this, but I miss living on a lake, as opposed to the ocean. Lakes are home and oceans are travel.
please delete that comment asap! before the socal residents come after me with sticks.
Just discovering the beauties of lakes, lovely pic!! nice contrast.
all those comments and no one answered the question.
Snow. (i'm in Rome now, but heard it from an Ohioian very near to the spot shown in the photo, the Ohio side of the lake.)
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